Hi Darls

Welcome to Rivoli Palace. The place of my dreams. Well, my ramblings.

I’m finally blogging. Will there be an end to it? Will I give up after six weeks of incessant updates and playing with the appearance of the page? Will you visit or give up out of sheer boredom. Time will tell.

The people who are responsible for this weblog are those who have texted or emailed to say they like my update emails. The final straw was the Christmas card with that comment added to it. So what else was I to do but start a weblog?

For those who haven’t yet joined the 21st Century, a weblog is a blog. Actually blog comes from the word weblog. If you don’t like this level of pedantism, probably best not to visit. But then if you are reading this you would be well and truly used to my pedantry. Makes me wonder if pedantism is a word? Hmmm.

Save this page to your favourites. Yes, Pam, this means you.

I am hoping this will be easier than sending the many texts and emails I do … or want to but stop myself. But then again, maybe not. Is there a law against double posting like there is double dipping?


6 responses to “Hi Darls

  1. Love the whole idea! I agree with your comments- we do enjoy your updates, but we don’t always have the time to respond to texts and emails. Hope it works as intended. Best wishes, Wayne & Chris

  2. Thanks Wayne and Chris for checking out Rivoli Palace. I hope you enjoyed your visit.

    Refreshments are available in the cafe / eatery area and the WCs are to your left. Your entry ticket is valid for repeat visits … errr, to the blog, not the bog.


  3. Jacqui Jelly Bean

    Oops am I responsible for this ha ha. Good on you A. I think this is a great idea. I wish I was as good with the written word in fact I should be writing an assignment right now. Have a great 2010 and I’ll keep checking in.

  4. Hi Jacqui. Thank you for visiting Rivoli Place. And yes you are the one responsible. Loved the Christmas card btw.

    And, um, err, yes, well, I’m supposed to be doing an assignment as well. Hence this bit of procrastination.

  5. Great idea. Spoke to Pam today. I know now that Tony is not only deaf but also blind. He was phoning Paul and somehow phoned Pam. I was not sure who I was speaking to at first. Tony managed to explain by signing. I didn’t realize how much he had picked up from ramdom conversations re work. But a nice chat was had.

  6. I do realise that Tony had to resort to sign language ’cause he wouldn’t have been able to get a word in. 😉

    I still remember Pam getting into trouble with Mum once when she did the “yes”, “no”, “uh huh” or “right” at the wrong moment in a telephone call.

    I used to accidentally call the first person listed in my mobile phone. I don’t know why or how I did this but poor Abdul must have thought he had a stalker. He changed his number. I keep Abdul in the mobile phone listing to prevent this happening again. Well, until I come across an Aaron.

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